Boost Cognitive Function in Perimenopause and Menopause

by Cynthia Thurlow, NP

As every woman embarks on her unique journey through menopause, brain health during menopause emerges as a significant concern. The sporadic forgetfulness, periods of clouded thinking, or frustrating sensation of knowing a word but failing to retrieve it from memory - these aren't simply age-related quirks, but rather intricacies deeply connected to the hormonal shifts defining menopause.

Instead of resigning ourselves to mental decline, what if we could modify our daily habits to restore optimal cognitive function and experience mental clarity? 

The brain, much like the rest of our body, responds positively to care, stimulation, and the right environment. And menopause, though a challenge, also presents a perfect opportunity to nurture our minds in ways we might not have explored before.

In this article, we'll unfurl a roadmap to illuminate your path, ensuring that the journey through menopause, while challenging, doesn't dim the light of your cognitive brilliance. 

Here's a sneak peek of the empowering insights and strategies we'll explore:

  • Decoding the link between hormonal changes and memory: How exactly do hormonal fluctuations in menopause influence cognitive abilities?
  • The affects your lifestyle has on brain health in menopause: Restoring optimal cognitive function and shielding from further decline can be supported by easy lifestyle changes.
  • Daily habits for a vibrant mind: From the food on your plate to the activities that engage your brain, we'll outline actionable steps to elevate your cognitive function.
  • The supplement edge: We’ll explore supplementation options, like Alpha GPC, in fortifying your brain health.

Embark on this journey with us as we explore strategies, backed by science and experience, to navigate the cognitive challenges of menopause and emerge sharper, more resilient, and empowered. After all, age might bring challenges, but with the right tools and knowledge, it also brings unparalleled wisdom and strength. 

Understanding the Link: Menopause, Hormones, and Cognitive Decline

As women transition through various stages of life, hormonal fluctuations act as silent puppeteers, orchestrating a multitude of physiological changes. When we reach the phase of perimenopause and menopause, this dance of hormones plays a significant role in our cognitive function.

The Hormonal Cascade

Menopause marks the end of our reproductive years and with it comes a slew of hormonal shifts. One of the most noticeable among these changes is the decline in the levels of estrogen and progesterone. The decline of these hormones creates imbalances in the body with other important levels such as insulin, blood sugar, and testosterone. The delicate dance between hormones comes crashing down during perimenopause and menopause leaving us with poor cognitive health. 

Our hormones are more than their reproductive roles - they function in a variety of other physiological roles in the body and brain. Estrogen, for example, has been shown to protect neural circuits and bolster neurotransmission, strengthening mental soundness.. 

As hormone levels fluctuate in menopause, the brain's customary levels of support start to dwindle. This withdrawal can sometimes create what many women describe as the "fog" – a frustrating change in cognitive functioning. 

Hormonal Shifts and Their Cognitive Impacts

How do hormonal ebbs and flows impact brain health in menopause:

Memory: Forgetting why you walked into a room. Misplacing keys, glasses, your phone, etc. Missing tasks you were supposed to complete. The nexus between hormonal changes and memory during menopause isn't merely anecdotal. Research has identified that the significant decrease in hormones like estrogen and progesterone is linked to various cognitive changes including memory decline.

Attention and focus: During menopause, reduced estrogen levels can occasionally lead to lapses in attention and concentration. It's a temporary phase for many, but episodes can be frequent. It underscores the intricate bond between hormones and brain health during menopause.

Other cognitive malfunctions: Beyond memory and attention, some women note changes in spatial skills, processing speed, increased headaches, sleep disruptions, anxiety/depression, mood swings, and more.

By understanding the intricate relationship between menopause, hormonal changes, and memory, as well as other cognitive functions, we can equip ourselves with strategies to navigate this phase with resilience and grace.

In the subsequent sections, we'll explore lifestyle adaptations, daily habits, and even potential supplements for brain health that can act as valuable allies in this journey, ensuring that the menopausal phase becomes one of strength, wisdom, and continued cognitive brilliance.

The Role of Lifestyle in Cognitive Health

Our lifestyle choices act as the structure that intricately interlaces the tapestry of our cognitive well-being, especially during menopause. As we've discussed, hormonal shifts during this time can influence cognitive functions like memory, attention, recall, and mood alterations. 

Daily habits concerning what we eat, how active we are, and how we manage stress can either be allies or adversaries in our pursuit of brain health during menopause.

Lifestyle choices: the double-edged sword

At the heart of the menopause cognitive function conundrum lies a pivotal fact: our lifestyle habits can amplify the challenges or buffer us against them.

Exacerbating factors: Certain habits can intensify the cognitive decline one might experience during menopause. For instance, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in processed foods, chronic stress without relief, and exposure to toxins like excessive alcohol or smoking can strain the brain, making the fog denser.

Mitigating factors: Conversely, embracing positive habits can act as a protective shield, potentially reducing the impact of hormonal fluctuations on cognition. Activities that promote brain health during menopause – be it a diet focused on hormone health, exercises like resistance training, or effective stress management – can be a beacon of clarity amidst the haze.

The Power of Adaptation

Understanding that our lifestyle can influence our cognitive trajectory during perimenopause and menopause empowers us to adapt and evolve. It's like being handed a palette and brush amidst a changing landscape - while we might not control the scenery, we certainly can decide how to paint it.

Diet and nutrition: What we consume goes beyond nourishment for the body. What we eat has a direct impact on our brain health. Nutrient-rich foods can offset oxidative stress, inflammation, and other factors that might contribute to cognitive decline in menopause.

Activity and movement: Research indicates that exercise can improve brain health during menopause. Physical activity, even simple exercises, can enhance neural connections, promote blood flow to the brain, and even spur the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors – proteins that support neuron health. Resistance training in menopause can provide additional benefits such as weight management and insulin sensitivity. 

Mental engagement: Directly engaging the brain through mental stimulation activities can create new neural pathways, helping the brain adapt and remain resilient.

Stress management: Chronic stress, especially during menopause, is like adding fuel to the fire. Stress leads to insulin (another hormone) disruptions. In conjunction with sporadic estrogen and progesterone levels, insulin fluctuations cause all sorts of cognitive malfunctions.

Now that we have a better understanding on the connection between cognitive health, hormones, and lifestyle choices, let’s take a closer look at tools and strategies for daily habit modification to support replenishing brain health during menopause. 

Daily Habits to Boost Cognitive Function

The connection between menopause and declining cognitive function is clear. Our daily habits can have positive or negative effects on our hormone balance and brain function. The symptoms and challenges might feel overwhelming at times, but the beauty of our biology is its inherent adaptability. By adopting specific daily habits, not only can we navigate the murky waters of menopause with more clarity, but we can also emerge on the other side with even sharper cognitive prowess.

Diet and nutrition: a symphony of nourishment for the brain

The importance of proper nutrition in menopause: When it comes to brain health during perimenopause and menopause, nutrition is paramount. Just as a vehicle performs optimally with high-quality fuel, our brains thrive on a balanced, nutrient-rich diet. Foods that are minimally processed, low in refined sugar, anti-inflammatory, rich in essential nutrients, and varied in nature can help provide much needed support and nourishment for optimal cognitive function.

A few nutrients that can help the brain function optimally

  • Antioxidants: Antioxidants are essential defenders in the brain, protecting it from the harmful effects of oxidative stress by neutralizing unstable molecules known as free radicals. This action not only prevents cellular damage but also potentially lowers the risk of neurodegenerative degradation. By safeguarding cell health and supporting cognitive functions such as memory and attention, antioxidants contribute significantly to overall brain vitality and resilience.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA and EPA, play a pivotal role in supporting brain health during menopause. They maintain the integrity of neuronal membranes, ensuring efficient neural communication. Their anti-inflammatory properties counteract the heightened inflammation often seen during menopause, potentially reducing neurodegenerative disease risks. Additionally, by modulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, omega-3s aid in mood regulation. Beyond that, they offer protection against cognitive decline and enhance memory functions, providing a shield against the occasional memory lapses or "brain fog". Incorporating omega-3-rich foods can be a strategic choice for cognitive well-being during this life phase.
  • Phytoestrogens: Phytoestrogens are plant-derived compounds that structurally or functionally mimic mammalian estrogens, particularly estradiol. When consumed, phytoestrogens can bind to estrogen receptors in the body and exert estrogenic or anti-estrogenic effects, depending on the context. This means they can either promote or inhibit actions typically associated with estrogen.
  • Choline: Choline is a vital nutrient for brain health, playing a pivotal role in memory, mood regulation, and cell communication. Especially relevant for menopausal women, choline supports the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which may help counteract the cognitive shifts some experience due to hormonal changes during menopause. Furthermore, choline contributes to the integrity of brain cell membranes and may offer protection against mood disturbances and cognitive decline. Ensuring adequate choline intake during menopause provides a strategic defense for optimal brain function during this transformative phase.
  • Other helpful vitamins and minerals:
    • B Vitamins (B6, B9/folic acid, B12): Helps in neurotransmitter production, reduces cognitive decline, and is vital for nerve function  
    • Vitamin D: Associated with mood regulation and cognitive function
    • Vitamin E: An antioxidant that can protect brain cells from damage
    • Magnesium: Involved in numerous processes that ensure brain function

A few foods to add to your plate protect and improve brain health during menopause

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, kohlrabi, etc. Nutritionally dense, packed with helpful vitamins and minerals like antioxidants and sulforaphane (protects against memory impairment and other cognitive malfunction. Anti-inflammatory.

Seeds: Flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, etc. Nutritional powerhouses rich in omega-3 fatty acids, phytoestrogens, antioxidants, and magnesium.

Animal-based protein: Chicken, beef, bison, shrimp, eggs, etc. We recommend organic grass-fed/finished meat when possible. Animal-based protein has been shown to help with satiety and limits snacking and cravings. Additionally, there is evidence that suggests animal-based protein helps curb cognitive decline.

  • Fatty fish: Salmon, mackerel, trout, etc. Fish has long been studied for its positive effects on improving cognitive impairment. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA, are essential for brain health during menopause. DHA supports neuronal communication, while both EPA and DHA offer anti-inflammatory benefits that counteract brain inflammation and assist in neurotransmitter function. 
  • Dark leafy greens: Kale (also a crucifer), spinach, collard greens, Swiss chard, dandelion greens, etc. Packed with brain-boosting nutrients such as B vitamins, vitamin K, and antioxidants. 
  • Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, acai berries, etc.  Rich in antioxidants with a low glycemic index (won’t elevate your blood sugar) and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Extra hydration: Water. Good ‘ol H2O. We need it. As we age, we become more susceptible to dehydration due to changes in body composition coupled with reduced water retention, kidney function, and thirst signals (i.e. our brain isn’t relaying we need water until it’s too late). Our brain is approximately 75% water. Even slight dehydration can impair attention, long-term, and short-term memory. 

What’s foods aren’t making the cut: 

  • Processed sugars: Diets high in processed sugars can lead to impaired cognitive function and increase the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. They can also exacerbate mood swings and irritability commonly associated with menopause.
  • Saturated fats: Found in fried foods, certain cuts of meat, and full-fat dairy, excessive saturated fats can contribute to cognitive decline and increase the risk of developing diseases like Alzheimer's.
  • Trans fats: Found in many processed foods and some margarines, trans fats can increase the risk of brain atrophy, reduce cognitive performance, and negatively affect mood.
  • Overly processed foods: Highly processed foods often contain unhealthy fats, sugars, artificial additives, and preservatives, which can impact brain health.
  • Excessive alcohol: Alcohol in perimenopause and menopause has more effect on us than our younger years as it affects cortisol, blood sugar, and destroys sleep - all of which have profound impacts on cognitive function.
  • Caffeine: In moderation, caffeine can enhance alertness and cognition. However, excessive caffeine, especially in the evening, can disrupt sleep, which is crucial for cognitive function and brain health.
  • Mercury-laden fish: While fish is often recommended for brain health due to omega-3 fatty acids, certain fish like shark, swordfish, and some types of tuna can contain high levels of mercury, which can be neurotoxic.
  • Refined carbohydrates: Foods like white bread, pastries, and sugary drinks can result in rapid spikes in blood sugar and inflammation and have been associated with cognitive decline.

Beyond nutrition, what daily habits can help brain health in menopause?

Physical activity and cognitive function during menopause

The transformative power of physical activity transcends simple physical well-being, especially during menopausal. Regular exercise offers a wide-range of benefits for the brain, enhancing both its structure and function. Engaging in consistent physical activity can act as a counterbalance, promoting increased blood flow to the brain, fostering the growth of new neurons, and enhancing cognitive abilities, from sharper memory to improved concentration.

Moreover, exercise plays a pivotal role in mood regulation by boosting the production of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators. This is particularly essential during menopause, where emotional rollercoasters are not uncommon.

Suggested exercises for brain health during menopause:

  • Brisk walking
  • Aerobic exercises like cycling, swimming, or dancing
  • Strength and resistance training (can also help with other menopause challenges such as hormonal weight gain and loss in muscle mass)
  • Yoga and pilates 
  • Tai chi or qi gong 
  • Low-impact aerobics classes
  • Stretching routines
  • Stability exercises using balance balls or balance pads

Mental stimulation and brain health during menopause

Lifelong learning isn't just for the academically inclined. Engaging in activities that stimulate the brain can stave off cognitive decline and boost memory retention. It cultivates a sense of purpose and can foster cognitive resilience against hormonal-related brain changes.

Suggested activities for mental stimulation:

  • Puzzles (jigsaw, crossword, sudoko, heck - even one with pieces you construct)
  • Reading (books, magazines, academic articles, etc.)
  • Learn a new skill (painting, cooking a new cuisine, playing a musical instrument, study a new language)
  • Journal or creative writing
  • Playing musical instruments (or learning a new one)
  • Artistic activities (drawing, painting, pottery, coloring, etc.)
  • Cooking or baking new recipes.
  • Strategy games (chess or card games)

In essence, staying mentally active and embracing continuous learning can be a cornerstone for brain health as women navigate the changes brought on by menopause.

Stress management during menopause: calming the internal storms

The ebb and flow of hormones can amplify emotional and physiological responses to stress, making its management even more critical. When subjected to prolonged stress, the brain can experience negative consequences such as memory impairment and a decline in cognitive abilities. The heightened production of cortisol can be particularly harmful, affecting areas of the brain responsible for memory and cognition as well as furthering struggles with hormone balance. 

Suggested stress management strategies:

  • Meditation
  • Deep-breathing exercises
  • Journaling
  • Physical activity
  • Aromatherapy
  • Adequate sleep (more on that next)
  • Herbal teas
  • Guidance from a professional therapist

Navigating the complexities of menopause requires intentional strategies to alleviate stress and protect cognitive health. Embracing the suggested techniques can offer relief and foster a more balanced mental well-being during this pivotal life transition.

Quality sleep in menopause for brain health

It's more than just recuperative rest; sleep actively supports the brain's cognitive functions. During the deeper stages of our sleep cycle, the brain engages in a process called synaptic pruning, refining neural connections to enhance learning and memory. Concurrently, the brain's glymphatic system works overtime during these hours, flushing out potentially harmful waste products that have accumulated throughout the day. This "brain cleanse" not only protects neural health but also aids in preventing cognitive decline and potential neurodegenerative diseases. Thus, adequate sleep becomes paramount, especially in menopause when hormonal fluctuations can already challenge cognitive stability.

Strategies for sleep hygiene:

  • Address hormonal imbalances that disrupt sleep patterns
  • Keep a regular sleep schedule
  • Create a calming bedtime routine
  • Ensure a dark, cool environment for sleep
  • Avoid electronics and blue light exposure an hour before bedtime
  • Minimize caffeine intake, especially in the latter half of the day
  • Consider white noise machines or earplugs to block out disruptions
  • Reserve the bedroom for sleep and intimacy only, avoiding work-related activities
  • Be mindful of meal timings, avoiding large meals right before bedtime

While the journey of menopause might come with its set of cognitive challenges, it's heartening to realize that we have a considerable degree of control in our brain health during menopause. By embedding these daily habits into our lives, not only can we combat potential cognitive decline, but we can also pave the way for a future of clarity, sharpness, and cognitive vibrancy. 

Supplementation is another helpful strategy for mitigating cognitive decline in menopause. There’s a myriad of things we can add to our supplement rotation, but lately we’ve been loving Alpha GPC the most.

Enhancing Cognitive Function Through Supplementation of Alpha GPC

While lifestyle modifications undoubtedly form the bedrock of optimal cognitive health during menopause, the role of targeted supplementation cannot be understated. As science delves deeper into the intricacies of our brain and its nutritional needs, certain supplements have emerged as potential aids in enhancing brain function. Among these, Alpha GPC holds a significant place.

Alpha GPC: The brain-boosting powerhouse for women in menopause

As women navigate the intricate journey of menopause, they often encounter a range of physiological changes. Among these, cognitive shifts, such as memory lapses or foggy thinking, can be particularly concerning. While hormone fluctuations play a role in these changes, the quest for cognitive clarity need not be elusive. One promising ally in this journey is the supplement known as Alpha GPC.

Understanding Alpha GPC

Alpha GPC, or alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine, stands out in the world of nootropics (brain-enhancing supplements) due to its potential benefits for the brain - and research agrees. At its core, it serves as a choline source, an essential nutrient that acts as a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. This neurotransmitter is indispensable for various cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and learning. While choline is naturally present in foods like beef liver, salmon, and eggs, dietary sources often don't provide sufficient amounts, making supplementation necessary for optimal brain function.

How Alpha GPC supports the menopausal brain

  • Memory and learning enhancement: Alpha GPC supports efficient communication between brain cells, aiding both short-term and long-term memory, and making the retention and recall of information smoother.
  • Mental energy boost: By increasing choline availability, Alpha GPC helps in maintaining the structural integrity of brain cells and promotes the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the energy currency of the cell. The result? A sharper, more alert mind.
  • Neuroprotection: Alpha GPC is not just about enhancing cognition - it also offers neuroprotective properties. By supporting the production of essential brain chemicals and maintaining cellular health, it aids in ensuring the brain's longevity and resilience.
  • Improved concentration and focus: The supplement enhances the production of acetylcholine, optimizing neural connections and resulting in improved mental clarity, crucial for those moments when concentration is paramount.
  • Direct choline delivery: While the menopausal phase may make it challenging for the brain to absorb nutrients effectively, Alpha GPC ensures that choline is delivered directly to where it's most needed, supporting overall cognitive health.

Beyond cognitive health: Alpha GPC's additional benefits

While cognitive enhancement remains a primary reason many turn to Alpha GPC, it's worth noting its potential in improving exercise performance. It has been linked to increased stamina, muscle power, and muscle strength. Additionally, its role in elevating human growth hormone (HGH) means potential benefits like weight loss, bone strengthening, mood enhancement, and improved sleep quality.

A Commitment to Quality

For those considering Alpha GPC, it's essential to opt for a product that guarantees purity and efficacy. With its multi-stage lab analysis, testing for purity, strength, and safety in a climate-controlled, GMP certified US-based facility, Alpha GPC by Cynthia Thurlow Powered By MD Logic Health offers assurance in every capsule.

The journey through menopause might come with its cognitive challenges, but with the right tools at our disposal – including powerful supplements like Alpha GPC – there's every reason to be optimistic. Embracing a combination of daily habits and targeted supplementation can provide a roadmap to a future of clarity, focus, and enhanced brain health. As we navigate this journey, remember the power of knowledge, proactive choices, and the potential that lies within us to shape our cognitive destiny.


Navigating the transitional waters of menopause can feel overwhelming. As fluctuations in hormones create a cascade of changes, it's not uncommon to experience episodes of brain fog, memory lapses, struggle focusing, and a handful of other symptoms of cognitive decline. Understanding the link between menopause, hormones, and cognitive health can empower us to take proactive steps in safeguarding our mental acuity during this phase of life and beyond.

From maintaining a balanced diet rich in brain-nourishing foods to engaging in physical activities and mental stimulation activities, the power to retain – and even boost – our cognitive function during menopause largely lies in our hands. Furthermore, addressing stress management during menopause and ensuring quality sleep are additional elements in this holistic approach to brain health during menopause.

Supplementing this holistic approach with targeted measures, like incorporating Alpha GPC, can further enhance our cognitive resilience. As a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays a pivotal role in memory and learning, Alpha GPC presents a promising avenue for those seeking to fortify their mental sharpness.

To those navigating the myriad challenges of brain health in menopause, remember this: you are not alone. The journey might be peppered with hurdles, but with the right tools, strategies, and knowledge, there's every reason to be optimistic about the future of your cognitive health. Begin with small, tangible changes. Maybe it's a walk in the park, a puzzle before bedtime, or introducing Alpha GPC into your diet. As these small actions become daily habits, their cumulative impact can be transformative.

Here's to clarity, resilience, and a future of empowered brain health during menopause and beyond!